Bianchi Estates - a neighborhood in Roseville, CA 95747

Bianchi Estates Neighbors

Neighborhood Roster

We have a list of our neighbors and homes.     Neighbors

Pictures of our Pets

Hopefully if one gets lost, someone will be able to locate its home.  Pets


Where we get our services and where we go when we have a problem. Infrastructure

What’s Inside

Bianchi Estates is a neighborhood in south Placer County, west of Roseville CA, composed of 46 two-acre lots.  There are three streets that comprise our development: Blackwood Lane, Kenwood Way, and Muirwood Lane.  Although we are not in the city limits, our addresses are Roseville CA.


California State University, Sacramento, and Sierra College have agreed to collaborate with developers of Placer Ranch, a 2,200-acre site north of Roseville, to expand higher-education offerings to south Placer County. The site straddles Fiddyment, about a mile north of Blue Oaks.  (Read more)

What’s happening at Woodcreek Oaks and Blue Oaks?  (Read more)

On March 13, 2014 the City Planning Commission approved a proposal to develop  a 745,300 square foot retail center at the northwest corner of Baseline Road and Fiddyment Road.  (Read more)

Roseville has big plans for the downtown area…(Read more)

South of Baseline, between Watt Avenue, Walerga, and PFE Roads, are 525 acres approved for development, which would include 933 single family homes and 230 acres of public parks.  (Read more)


Do you have something for sale -  for hire - or in need of something?  List or check here.  Notices